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angry rant, commentary, NEWS

This Koch’s For You (Are Fucked!) Or: No Payroll Tax Break or Unemployment Checks For You Unless There’s Oil For Them

The Koch brothers greedy and vile

Own the Tea Party gang rank and file

The pipeline’s their goal

And to get it they’d roll

Every family – man, woman, and child


So they shoved Keystone oil in the bill

And if they don’t get it they’ll kill

Our tax break, our checks

We can hang by our necks

Fuck us all – they’ve got oil to drill


These two slimy criminal creeps

And their ignorant Tea Party peeps

Have by their hypocricy

Damaged democracy

Statue of Liberty Icon

Image via Wikipedia

Laughing as Liberty weeps


But as I write this the tax cut’s agreed on

I know ‘cause I have the TV on

For the Koch’s there’s no oil

Their Christmas is spoiled

Since for now they’ve no peasants to pee on


And if, as you’re reading this, you

Think this theft try’s got nothing to do

With you and your life

Think again – there’s a knife

Held against all our throats by this crew



© tony powers and Barking in the Dark, 2011.Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to tony powers and Barking in the Dark with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.



About barkinginthedark

Tony Powers is a writer/actor/musician. His full bio may be seen by clicking on the picture, and then clicking on either of the 2 boxes below it.


6 thoughts on “This Koch’s For You (Are Fucked!) Or: No Payroll Tax Break or Unemployment Checks For You Unless There’s Oil For Them

  1. Interesting that the stranger side finally relented when all eyes were actually on their cold-hearted indifference. I saw some idiot representative say they were sorry they had to give in because they were working so hard to help us. (?)

    Another good one, Tony. You help me keep my eyes open.


    Posted by Sparks In Shadow | December 24, 2011, 3:13 am
  2. The best satire/comedy holds a mirror to the world and reflects it in an entertaining way.

    Like this and the entire poem series.
    Rock on, Tony.


    Posted by El Guapo | December 23, 2011, 3:11 pm
  3. “These two slimy criminal creeps.” Aren’t you being too nice here??? 🙂


    Posted by She speaks.... | December 23, 2011, 4:35 am

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