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commentary, Poem, Presidential Politics, writing


So Iowans just said bye bye to ya

We’ve seen ya and we’ve seen right through ya

You once said “No one remembers who came in second,”

Donald, your gold-plated penthouse now beckons


You were a Republican, then an independent, then you were a Democrat

And then a Republican – again

You’re a windsock, a phony

Full of shit, like your cronies

And the undisputed princeling of con men


But wait – your ego just got a yuge bruise

You’re a loser – boo hoo – a loser… to Cruz???

Donald Trump in February 2009

Donald Trump in February 2009 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Oops – I guess the good people of Iowa

Showed last night that they certainly could “fire” ya


‘O Donald you pandering whore

What the fuck are you actually for?

You were out there in Iowa with your flock of pigeons

Having suddenly discovered this thing called religion


And on immigration you were once for The Dream Act

Now you wanna build a yuge Mexican wall – fact

And you used to really really love Hillary

But these days it’s her who you pillory


And in your words you were once “very pro-choice.”

Now you’re pro-life (flock of pigeons rejoice)

You once supported an assault weapons ban

Now to protect amendment two you’ll do all you can


You once believed in “universal healthcare” so why

Have you called Obamacare “a disaster – the big lie”

You said Jeb Bush was “principled and bright”

Said he was “pathetic” on Fox the other night


And most revealing; you wanna cut the top tax rate in half which

Doesn’t jibe with once endorsing a surtax on the real rich?

How’d we know that you just couldn’t not scratch that itch

We’ve all known all along where your bread’s buttered… bitch!


So last night you heard Iowa’s word

Egad man – you almost took third!!!

Now let’s see if you even continue

On, or after, New Hampshire – is it in you?


Has the wake-up call been a yuge blow?

All those people who “love” you said…no???

They’d rather have Cruz – er…

Don – you’re a loser!

A loser Don – so apropos.




© tony powers and Barking in the Dark, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to tony powers and Barking in the Dark with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

About barkinginthedark

Tony Powers is a writer/actor/musician. His full bio may be seen by clicking on the picture, and then clicking on either of the 2 boxes below it.



  1. He’s blaming the media, for the second place finish. I swear, the guy must have some deep-rooted mental health issues.


    Posted by A Pondering Mind | February 2, 2016, 8:22 pm
  2. love it!!laughed all the way through, a pathetic man,bloated in all ways …


    Posted by bluesage63 | February 2, 2016, 5:54 pm
  3. Maybe he can buy a bunch of ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile) and hold us hostage in order to vote for him, he’s got the money to do it…


    Posted by transtime | February 2, 2016, 4:07 pm

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