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                                                “Lock her up.”

It annoys the bloody hell out of me that we are told by so many of our level-headed liberal brethren that we must be civil in our political discourse with Trump’s base.

Let me get this straight: I am to be civil with people who unashamedly support the likes of Donald Trump, David Duke, Roy Moore, Paul Nehlen, Seth Grossman, Joe Arpaio, Russell Walker, Steve King, Arthur Jones, Corey Stewart, John Fitzgerald, David Vitter and the countless other Republican bigots? And with their MAGA-hatted fans who get hard — and wet — as they listen to the timeless message of fear and hate spewed out to them by the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin, Dana Loesch and Ann Coulter to list but a few of the many racist uncaring Republican mouthpieces? And am I to be conciliatory to people whose “religious” leaders are far from the most pious and loving among us? Eminences such as Robert Jeffress, Tony Perkins, Jerry Falwell Jr., Ralph Reed, Paula White and James Dobson. These so called “people of God” are hate-filled vessels, pure and simple. And Trump’s fans stand faithfully behind them as well.

And with these “Christians” who rationalize that Nazi rallies, bomb sending Trump fans, and lunatics who massacre innocent people in a Synagogue have nothing to do with the hate and lies that come out of the mouth of the monster Trump? Am I to be civil to the gun-totin’ right-wing faithful who stand for a Republican party that steadfastly refuses to make any attempt to get guns off of our streets? A party that genuflects to the generous humanity of Wayne LaPierre? Why?

These people have even gone to the lengths of photo-shopping phony pictures of their monster rescuing people during Hurricane Florence and — are you ready — rescuing cats in Hurricane Harvey in Houston!

                                  Trump’s head on someone else’s body.

Am I to be civil to people who steadfastly choose to ignore that Putin and Russia put Donald Trump in the White House. Okay…allegedly…but the evidence seems to back this allegation up. Remember Don Jr.’s response to the email telling him they had something on Hillary? They don’t.

I’m to be civil to a person who casts an approving eye or a vote for any of these horrible people? Why? So they will see the light? So they will come to their senses? If two years of the ugliness of this monster in the White House haven’t by now soured this slavish bunch on him, and on all these hate-mongers, then nothing I can say or do will ever make them reasonable humans to me. I am past trying to “understand” these people and past making any effort at a dialogue with them. I have tried, and the shock of their arguments sent a jolt throughout my entire being

Standing behind their monster at his rallies these people unfailingly bring back the horror of the many black-and-white films we’ve seen of rabid fans at a Nazi rally in 1941. And the message is the same; immigrants will slice you, dark skinned men are coming for your women, the Jew bankers control the world. Case in point: Republican Ed Gillespie aired several “political” ads that flashed the words “Kill, Rape, Control” with grimy photos of MS-13 gang members.

This is a party that, in the main, stands in lock-step with a grotesquerie that took children from their parents at the border and put them in cages — some never to see their parents again. And these people, party members and their constituents, profess to be “Christians?” Am I to be civil to people who will countenance such cruelty? Such fear-mongering? Such an appetite for suppressing our Constitutional right to vote? People who can forget that their party leaders tried to kill The Affordable Care act seventy times and now deny they ever did this? People who stand and cheer for a reality show buffoon whose only plan for governance appears, to any sane person, to consist of ginning up their fear with lies and hurling demeaning insults at his critics? Who shout “lock her up,” blithely forgetting that the very same chant was passionately shouted by one of their own who pleaded guilty last December to making false statements to the FBI? Am I to be civil to people who are such hypocrites? And, no small thing, people who don’t “get” irony?

You try to be civil and “reason” with these people — I have. Then let me know how it went.



© tony powers and Barking in the Dark, 2018. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to tony powers and Barking in the Dark with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

About barkinginthedark

Tony Powers is a writer/actor/musician. His full bio may be seen by clicking on the picture, and then clicking on either of the 2 boxes below it.


12 thoughts on “WHY MUST I REMAIN CIVIL?

  1. Thanks Tony ! I appreciate your work. Seems we are always on the same page!love,Belle

    From: Barking In The Dark To: bellefuller@sbcglobal.net Sent: Tuesday, November 6, 2018 1:16 PM Subject: [New post] WHY MUST I REMAIN CIVIL? #yiv2862974896 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv2862974896 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv2862974896 a.yiv2862974896primaryactionlink:link, #yiv2862974896 a.yiv2862974896primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv2862974896 a.yiv2862974896primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv2862974896 a.yiv2862974896primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E !important;color:#fff !important;}#yiv2862974896 WordPress.com | barkinginthedark posted: ”                                                “Lock her up.”It annoys the bloody hell out of me that we are told by so many of our level-headed liberal brethren that we must be civil in our political discourse with Trump’s base.Let m” | |


    Posted by Belle Fuller | November 7, 2018, 3:24 pm
  2. Watching the results and wishing for a bigger blue wave.


    Posted by leggypeggy | November 7, 2018, 12:43 am
  3. If you come to the conclusion that many people are not educated enough, are not informed or disinformed, brain-washed, prefer to simply believe instead of making information based decisions, are psychological manipulated, stubborn or stupid and so on…, how can you ask for DEMOCRACY?
    Democracy is based on elections and equal votes.
    It is not possible to exclude citizens because we cannot deal with their opinions.

    We (in Europe more & more narcisistic autocrats are rising too) have to stop complaining. It`s time to develop an own strategy…e.g. free education & healthcare for everybody is a good start, in my view. Uneducated, less informed people who are focused on consumption only but are struggling to pay their bills are victims…and easy targets for populists & extremists.
    Poverty (materialistic, interlectual but also spiritual /mental) in combination with hopelessness is toxic.
    “Pane et circensis” and a boost of their low self-confidence that`s all they are looking for. In fact, it is difficult to blame them for it.


    Posted by Weiss-Nix | November 6, 2018, 6:21 pm
    • i am aware of qll of this but it doesn’t make me any less unwilling to forgive their stupidity. sorry. our only strategy, in view of the fact that “the money” prefers everyone to be uneducated and acquiescent , is to somehow vote the”populists” out. ( i love that they are called populists since their interests are entirely against the populace.) thanx for the read and the insightful comment. continue…

      Liked by 1 person

      Posted by barkinginthedark | November 6, 2018, 8:03 pm
      • …yes, you`re absolutely right. The populists (like the AfD in Germany) don`t represent the interest of the regular People at all. They are gaslighting them, create fear, divide the country to weaken the people and fuel their emotions, which then overrule the interlect/ brain.

        The AfD already possess a hidden agenda, which contains plans to further cut taxes for corporations and wealthy elites to increase their profits further. I Looks like Trump`s or should I say the Republican`s approach…

        AfD dropouts reported that there are strict internal guidelines to avoid that the AfD tax policy is published because they would lose their base, they still depend on. The claim that an increase of Profits in favor of the elites will result in more domestic jobs, higher income…etc. won`t be believed anymore in Germany.

        The developments in the States are frightening because we have to be prepared that this political trend resp. VIRUS will continue causing huge damage in Europe….

        Steve Bannon visited several European countries and offered his support to Right-wing Extremist parties – using Trump as reference / Achievement.
        He finally found the best working conditions in Italy, where the Right -wing is in power now. Bannon is working as an advisor and professional fire raiser in Italy now. In the past, non-American countrys were used to economic hitman …this new tactic is even worse because its destroying the Consensus of the society, basic solidarity, trust, values and so on. It looks like our brains & souls are hacked. To recover from this evil seed, it will be much harder and lengthier than recovering from a simple economic crisis.


        Posted by Weiss-Nix | November 7, 2018, 4:44 am
      • “To recover from this evil seed, it will be much harder and lengthier than recovering from a simple economic crisis.” As we both know, this is because “the money” which controls the power has caused all of it. They are responsible for the “populist” rise and any economic crisis…These things all serve to subjugate the populace at large. The only answer is education…and since that is something “the money” both fears and works diligently to propagandize, squash, and subvert the solution will be difficult to achieve…but we must work towards that end. thanks WN and continue…

        Liked by 1 person

        Posted by barkinginthedark | November 7, 2018, 3:38 pm
  4. Oh, so , so true…..


    Posted by renxkyoko | November 6, 2018, 4:32 pm
  5. I’ve tried a couple of times, of being civil with Trump loyalists, and might as well have been talking to the clock. talk about being brain washed and/or brain dead…

    Liked by 1 person

    Posted by A Pondering Mind | November 6, 2018, 4:28 pm

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