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Image result for kellyanne conway cartoons

For a nice pile of Reichsmarks Kellyanne Conway would, without a doubt, have been the campaign manager for Adolf Hitler.,

Ms. Conway has toiled for a variety of repulsive Republican political figures, including, Congresswomen Marsha Blackburn, who, during her Tea Party-led government shut down joked that “keeping the government closed will probably help the public realize that they didn’t need it in the first place,” Republican Congressman Lee Zeldin, who has intimated that President Obama is an ISIS supporter, Republican Congressman Steve King, who in September released a tweet showing himself posing alongside European fascist leaders with the phrase, “Cultural suicide by demographic transformation must end,” and one Newt Gingrich; a man who, among his many other ugly quotes said: “There is a gay and secular fascism in this country that wants to impose its will on the rest of us.”

Conway, an unashamed whore, has proudly worked for all these despicable people. She has told women to “embrace femininity, not feminism,” In other words, be the dutiful wife who attends to all her husband’s needs – and then makes dinner. She has also said; “people don’t want their kids looking at a cartoon with a bunch of lesbian mothers.”

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In other words, this is a female Donald Trump. As big a whore, as big a bigot – and as big a liar. And, now she is the Aryan blonde front for Herr Trump’s Nazi boy’s club consisting of some of the most disgusting men on this planet. Stephen Bannon, Roger Ailes and David Bossie – Herr Trump’s braintrust (?) Consider; Conway, without the least bit of shame, maintains that Trump is the one who desires to focus on substance and policy, whereas Clinton just wishes to pursue attacks and insults. How’s that for first-class whoring?

Conway’s utter lack of regard for honesty is simply breathtaking. She seems to feel completely free to say anything whatsoever, regardless of whether it has any basis in truth. She appears to have absolutely no concern that lying is morally wrong. It’s like she is missing the morality gene. She will say whatever portrays Trump in the most favorable light at a particular moment, regardless of whether it is accurate.

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And, her whoring vileness runs in the family. Her husband, George, who is a New York lawyer and was part of secret efforts to boost the lawsuit of Clinton accuser Paula Jones, also worked on a case for Philip Morris in which ABC News ended up publicly apologizing “for asserting in a news program that two giant tobacco companies add extra nicotine to their cigarettes.” Imagine; cigarettes cause cancer! Well, we can’t have that get around can we now? To paraphrase a well-known idiom; these two are like two whores in a whorehouse.

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P.S. Re yesterday’s disclosure about regarding re-opening the investigation of Hillary’s emails;

Just like the phony Benghazi hearings (the Republicans voted down the funding to beef up the security at that embassy) this email bullshit, and that’s what it is bullshit, is just one more Republican ploy in an ongoing 30 year smear of both Bill and Hillary Clinton (which included a travesty of an impeachment) to detract from the fact that the Republican Party does nothing ever for ordinary families and is the puppet party of the rich.  They have targeted the Clintons because the GOP realizes that they – and the Progressive money behind them – pose a serious threat to their stranglehold on power. And, the cruel irony is that the Republican’s do not care about governing, may I refer you back to the quote in the first paragraph, “keeping the government closed will probably help the public realize that they didn’t need it in the first place,”and this quote from the odious Grover Norquist; “I don’t want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub.”

The Republicans are, in fact, the anti-governing party of obstructionism. They do not oppose – they obstruct. All they have ever done since the Army – McCarthy hearings is haul people up before their bullshit panels. Anything to stop government from working for the people. As an example, google “Rep. Darrel Issa (R-Ca) hearings.”

You say; but it’s not the Republicans this time, it’s the FBI – I say it’s FBI director James Comey, who has been a registered Republican for most of his adult life and a campaign donor to Republican presidential nominees in the past.

Also; NBC News reporter Tom Winter said that there are 3 emails under review and that none of them were previously withheld from investigators by Clinton or her campaign.

And; NBC’s Pete Williams reports that the e-mails Comey announced today were NOT originally withheld by Clinton or campaign.”

You do the math.

Image result for republicans anti- government cartoon


© tony powers and Barking in the Dark, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to tony powers and Barking in the Dark with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

About barkinginthedark

Tony Powers is a writer/actor/musician. His full bio may be seen by clicking on the picture, and then clicking on either of the 2 boxes below it.



  1. I guess the smoke-filled background to the Coney thing will come out in about 12 months time regardless of who wins. There’s clearly been some shenanigans going on and some guarantee of protection from the Hashtag Act. Let’s face it. No public body is really independent. And re: your Conway post, I think I’ve caught her on UK tv somewhere – unbelievable.


    Posted by Single Malt Monkey | November 2, 2016, 5:11 am
  2. Coney should be charged for violating the 1993 Hatch Act. As for Conway, another empty headed moron…


    Posted by A Pondering Mind | October 29, 2016, 7:48 pm
  3. I have finally found a solution …. I put it on mute every time I see these surrogates and Trump talking.


    Posted by renxkyoko | October 29, 2016, 3:48 pm
  4. There IS a difference between prostitution and whoring,Tony. Prostitutes peddle their wares and deliver their services openly, meaning you pretty much know what you’re getting. Whores are outright liars, so all you know is you’re getting lied to, but you don’t know what the lie is. Both do what they do for money, yes. However, I take exception to calling anything about whoring first- or world-class. Why give the venal, unscrupulous scum of the earth even the slightest vestige of class? Just sayin’ 😉 xoM


    Posted by Margarita | October 29, 2016, 12:38 pm
  5. On target Tony, 100% agree.
    And as usual just some outta sight writing.

    Conway is like Trump in that her values, opinions and rhetoric can turn on a dime dependent on the situation. Early stages of the primaries she echoed all the same concerns over Trumps lack of experience, position flops, etc. But when he waved the scratch under her nose, he’s Abe Lincoln with a spray tan & scalp replacement.

    Last thing: Bush43’s administration lost/deleted over 20,000,000 emails over a monumentally unsecure grab bag of government servers, personal, etc. Of course, like any war crimes investigations, inquiries into how much the top of that admin benefited from the economic collapse, etc. NOTHING became of it.

    Hillary’s “emails” amount to 0.165% of the Bush administrations. Millions spent on the witch hunt investigation which found nothing. Comey should resign after that shit yesterday.


    Posted by Johnny Spade | October 29, 2016, 12:18 pm
    • yeah, re the Bush email crap ur right on target Johnny. and now, as i listen to this creep’s lying speechifying in Colorado i am fearful that Comey’s action will get the marks to the polls and elect this con man. wow! thanx man, continue…


      Posted by barkinginthedark | October 29, 2016, 2:28 pm

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